Volunteer Director of the Board - Closed

Self-Employed Women’s Network (SEWN)


Connect, Support & Empower!


The Nominations Committee for Self-Employed Women’s Network, SEWN, Sunshine Coast, BC is looking for SEWN members to serve on the board. Each position is for a two-year term, starting after the Annual General Meeting in April of, 2021.


SEWN is a volunteer, non-profit association that connects women in business on the Sunshine Coast. We help women share experiences, business ideas, and expertise and offer women the opportunity to build networks, improve their business knowledge and skills, and promote their businesses.


Since we have one administrator working about 2 hours per week, this is a working board. For instance, if we have a bright idea for an event, then we must put in the work to make it happen. The board sets the organization's policies and procedures, and does the strategic planning that determines SEWN's overall goals and direction. We also have fun and make new friends.


We are looking for women who care about building the economic success of women, who will advocate for self employed women, and who are collaborative with the board, our members, and the wider community. A background in business or self-employment, and a knowledge of the community are strong assets. Experience with boards and governance is helpful, but not required. This is a learning opportunity. Skills that we can really use on the board include:

·       Accounting/finance

·       Planning

·       Management

·       Event Coordination

·       Marketing and Communications

·       Graphic design

·       Website design or maintenance

·       Social media

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Terms are two years. We usually hold 10 board meetings a year (meeting are monthly, with a month off in summer and at Christmas). In addition to attending meetings, we will want you to take a position on the board or help in one of the areas listed below. Board members are not paid, except for being reimbursed for approved expenditures on behalf of SEWN.


At the first board meeting after the AGM, board members are voted into roles. Our bylaws require four positions:

·       President

·       Vice President

·       Secretary

·       Treasurer

We also need people in the following roles. These can be changed up as needed:

·       Website Coordinator

·       Membership Outreach

·       Communications 

·       Events 

·       Learning and Development


We really hope so! Please send an email to hello@praxisrecruitment.ca indicating that you are interested in being a SEWN Director. Tell us a bit about some of the following:

·       Why are you interested?

·       What skills and experience do you bring to the role?

·       What skills and experience do you hope to gain?

·       What would you like to see us do for the self-employed women of the Sunshine Coast?

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Nominations close at midnight, March 4, 2021

Check out: https://www.sunshinesewn.com/ for more information about SEWN. 

Praxis Recruitment is a Recruitment Firm located on the Sunshine Coast in beautiful British Columbia. We provide exceptional customer service and operate with the highest level of respect to our clients and applicants.

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Centre Coordinator ~ Closed


Finance Manager - Closed